
Ghost - the soul of a dead person manifested physically; a human spirit

Haunted - inhabited by a spiritual being

Poltergeist - a "mischevious" spirit manifesting itself through object manipulation (literal translation from german: polter - noisy    geist - ghost)

Demon -  a nonhuman entity of negative influence. In religion, demons are believed to be fallen angels at war with god

Exorcism - the expulsion of demonic spirits from a human through religious ceremony

Apparition - the visual manifestation of a ghost

Channeler -  a person who is willfully possessed by a spirit in order to communicate with it

Cold Spot - a manifestation of a ghost through a decrease in temperature, usually in a small area

Disembodied Voice - a voice or sound that has no known origin.  Also called EVP (Electromagnetic Voice Phenomena)

Intelligent Spirit - a ghost that is concious and can interact with a person, as opposed to a residual haunting

Residual Haunting -  a nonconscious spirit that only repeats what happened to it in life

Possession - when a person is taken over by a spirit or entity

Ouija Board - originally a game, the ouija board is the primary tool for communicating with ghosts and spirits
(WARNING!  Many experts consider the ouija board a very dangerous tool.  Use at your own risk.)